Panel Industry - exterior

Produced to order

For outdoor applications, we produce an absorbing panel that is applied to a solid wall in U profiles. On the front side of the panel there is a special glass fabric with a hydrophobized coating with treatment against the effects of climatic conditions. The panel is resistant to mechanical damage with high sound absorption. More

Product Description

The Industry exterior panel is installed into exterior U profiles vertically or comes with side U profiles that are fixed with screws to the substrate. To prevent water from penetrating the panel during rain, the panel has a fabric overlap on the underside, which adheres to the top of the lower panel. This solution prevents water leakage under the panels. Mechanical protection for panels up to 2 meters can be achieved by applying fasteners to the side profiles during installation.

Product Features

Category / Material exterior wall panel - mineral
Surface Finish specifically treated grey glass fabric Akuglas
Sound Absorption alpha w = 0.9
Fire Resistance A2 s1,d0
Mechanical Resistance excellent
Edges mounted in U profiles
Installation see here

Dimensions of Industry Panel

  Width [mm]  Length [mm] 

Thickness [mm]

Exterior Industry Panel 600 x 2000 *

The length of panels is custom-made from 1000-3000mm


Possible Uses

The Industry Exterior acoustic panel is designed to reduce noise levels in outdoor spaces where noise sources are present. The effect is achieved mainly by eliminating reverberation caused by sound reflection on indoor surfaces, depending on the quantity from 2 to 10 dB.

Acoustic Properties

Acoustics: Measurements were conducted without spacing, i.e., applied directly to the wall.

Panel Type alpha w NRC Sound Absorption Class
50mm 0.9 0.9 A
100mm 0.95 1 A

industry 50mm industry 100
Thickness 50mm Thickness 100mm


Basic Surface of Industry Exterior Panels

  • Akuglass - For special applications of exterior acoustic panels with hydrophobic treatment in grey color
Element thickness 50mm, 100mm
Core material Minerálne vlákno - nehorľavé
Surface treatment Sklotkanina Akuglas
A problem Noise/echo in the room
Location on: The wall
Designed for: Industry
Horľavosť - Reakcia na oheň
Panely OBIFON sú vyrábané zo 100% minerálnej vlny, ktorá odoláva teplote 1000oC viac ako dve hodiny bez topenia.
Horľavosť: Panel je zaradený podľa STN EN 13501-1 do skupiny A2,S1,d0 ako nehorľavý.
Šírenie plameňa po povrchu: nulové šírenie plameňa po povrchu podľa STN 730863 pri variante coral.
Odolnosť voči vlhku
Minerálna vlna je nehygroskopický materiál odolný voči 90% relatívnej vlhkosti pri zachovaní 100% rozmerovej stability.Podmienkou je odvetrávanie priestoru a zabránenie kondenzácie vodných pár.
Mechanické vlastnosti
Panely OBIFON sa vyrábajú z tvrdej kamennej vlny a sú opatrene dvojitou vrstvou sklotkaniny a textílie proti ich poškodeniu pri bežnom úžívaní. Neodolávajú pôsobeniu hrubej sily. Na miesta dotyku s panelmi doporučujeme povrch v tkanine.
Hygiena  a čistenie panelov
Kamenná vlna je anorganický materiál a nie je napádaný plesňami, baktériami a ani hubami. Čistenie povrchu mäkkou kefou alebo vysávačom so štetinami podľa návodu pre konkrétnu tkaninu.  Povrch Coral je možné jemne čistiť vlhkou handrou alebo jemnou kefou.
Hmotnosť panelov
4500 g/m2 pri hrúbke 50mm.

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