Variant of non-flammable panels with recognized T or U profiles in black or white color with textile or fiberglass surface. It is applied over the entire surface or in part of the walls as needed. Depending on the variant, the Resident panels are delivered in side U profiles or packaged for installation in T profiles on the wall. The panels have good mechanical resistance and different acoustic properties as needed. More
Product Description
Variant of panels with exposed T or U profiles in black or white color with textile or glass fiber surface. Applied entirely or on parts of the walls as needed. Panels have good mechanical resistance and various acoustic properties as needed.
Category / Material | wall panel / mineral fiber |
Surface Finish | Textile, glass fiber Akuglas, Coral, Wood, Samson |
Sound Absorption | alpha w = 0.6 -1 depending on thickness |
Flammability Rating | A2 s1, d0 |
Mechanical Resistance | good |
Variants and Dimensions of Modular Resident Panels
Variant |
Panel Edge | Width mm | Length mm | Thickness mm |
Wall T |
Full coverage installation of acoustic panels on walls (from ceiling to floor) in T profiles. Panel has open edges sprayed with paint. Panel thickness must be uniform at 50 or 100mm. |
Sprayed paint | 600 | 1200, 1500, 2000, 2800 | 50, 100 |
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Wall P |
Partial wall panel installation. The panel is inserted into a metal U-profile on the short sides, with the long sides upholstered. Thickness must be uniform 50-100mm. |
Fabric | 300, 600 | 1200, 1500 | 50, 100 |
Wall U |
Full wall panel installation. The panel is mounted in U profiles on the long edges while the short edges are upholstered or set in U profiles. The advantage of this variant is the possibility of alternating panel thicknesses. |
U profile - long edge fabric - short edge |
600 | up to 2800 | 50, 100 |
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Usage Options
The Modular Resident acoustic panel is a versatile panel for use in public spaces as well as domestic applications. It is usually used for continuous cladding of larger surfaces or walls where a visible grid with a width of 15 or 24 mm in white or black does not matter. It can be applied to the wall by attaching it directly to a solid base without a support structure.
In the case of cinemas or public spaces where the cladding needs to be dark, it is possible to manufacture panels in black with installation in a black frame.
Acoustic Variants of MODULAR Resident Panels
The 100mm thick variant has excellent absorption properties even at low frequencies and, together with the BASS A 100 variant, solves complete acoustics in recording studios and public spaces.
Modular A2 Mineral Variant
Suitable for universal use mainly in large spaces such as cinemas and halls
Bass A2 Mineral Variant 100mm Thickness
Suitable for spaces with music production and everywhere where low frequencies /rumble/ need to be absorbed, especially A100.
Panel Installation
Panels are mounted according to the variant into T-profiles or U-profiles.
Basic Surface Treatments for Resident T Profile Panels
Textile Surfaces:
- Akutec - suede-like surface with slight shading (180g/m2)
- Memory - woven "panama" surface with water resistance (290g/m2)
- Adria - very finely textured fabric without treatment (245g/m2)
- Mirage - very textured pattern of the highest quality (350g/m2)
Fiberglass Surfaces
Element thickness | 40mm, 50mm, 100mm |
Core material | Minerálne vlákno - nehorľavé |
Surface | Textile, fabric |
Surface treatment | Textília, Sklotkanina Coral |
A problem | Noise/echo in the room |
Element shape | Panel Rectangle |
Location on: | The wall |
Designed for: | Schools, kindergartens, Offices, Social spaces, Cinema/Theatre, Home cinema, Recording studio |
Select a shape | Obdĺžnikový tvar |
Stiahnuť montážny list Resident T profily 1
Stiahnuť montážny list Resident T profily 2
Montáž panelov Resident je veľmi jednoduchá a vhodná do takmer každého priestoru.
Montáž panelov na stenu
Z panelov Resident je možné vyskladať súvislé plochy príp. celé steny. Obvod plôch je lemovaný U profilmi a spoje panelov T profilmi
TIP! Estetický výraz obkladu zlepšíme nepravidelným rozdelením steny na panely rôznych rozmerov a farieb resp. zrušením pravidelného rastra. Viď obrázky.

Varianty rastrovania panelov Resident

príklad rastrovania
Schéma montáže panelov do T alebo U profilov
Postup: Rozmeriame a upevníme stenové závesy. Otvory a obvody stien orámujeme U profilmi. Vkladáme panely medzi T profily, ktoré upevňujeme o stenu zatlačením do stenových závesov.

Upevnenie stenového závesu

Upevnenie obvodových U profilov

schéma upevnenia T profilov do závesu

schéma upevnenia T profilov do závesu

zasunutie panelu a T profilu do závesu

upevňovanie U profilov o podlahu alebo stenu

Pohľad z vrchu na U profil nad dverami a T profily

Pohľad spredu na stenu s panelmi Resident
Technické vlastnosti akustických panelov Obifon a Ekosound
Variant Obifon označenie A2 /minerál/ |
Horľavosť - Reakcia na oheň |
Panely OBIFON sú vyrábané zo 100% minerálnej vlny, ktorá odoláva teplote 1000oC viac ako dve hodiny bez topenia. Horľavosť: Panel je zaradený podľa STN EN 13501-1 do skupiny A2,S1,d0 ako nehorľavý. Šírenie plameňa po povrchu: nulové šírenie plameňa po povrchu podľa STN 730863 pri variante coral. |
Odolnosť voči vlhku |
Minerálna vlna je nehygroskopický materiál odolný voči 90% relatívnej vlhkosti pri zachovaní 100% rozmerovej stability.Podmienkou je odvetrávanie priestoru a zabránenie kondenzácie vodných pár. |
Mechanické vlastnosti |
Panely Modular sa vyrábajú z tvrdej kamennej vlny a sú opatrene dvojitou vrstvou sklotkaniny a textílie proti ich poškodeniu pri bežnom úžívaní. Neodolávajú pôsobeniu hrubej sily. Na miesta dotyku s panelmi doporučujeme povrch v tkanine. |
Hygiena a čistenie panelov |
Kamenná vlna je anorganický materiál a nie je napádaný plesňami, baktériami a ani hubami. Čistenie povrchu mäkkou kefou alebo vysávačom so štetinami podľa návodu pre konkrétnu tkaninu. Povrch Coral je možné jemne čistiť vlhkou handrou alebo jemnou kefou. |
Hmotnosť panelov |
4500 g/m2 pri hrúbke 50mm. |
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