An original acoustic solution by hanging baffles in a triangular design. The height of the baffles is 75 or 150 mm suspended on T profiles. An integrated lighting solution on the lower edge of the elements is an option. More
Grid - Triangel is a spatial absorption acoustic element that absorbs sound at all frequencies. It is designed for vertical suspension from the ceiling. The lamellas are made of Ekosound textile panel, suspended from T-profiles. Their advantage lies in their dimensional and color variability. Their application achieves a new rendition of the ceiling while achieving the desired acoustic properties.
Product Description:
Category | ceiling panel - vertically suspended |
Material | PET fiber |
Surface Finish | Natur, RAL |
Sound Absorption | alpha w = 0.7-1 |
Fire Rating | B s1, d0 |
Mechanical Resistance | excellent - hard and flexible material |
Weight | 2500 g/m2 at a thickness of 40 mm |
Installation | see here |
Variant | Lamella Height (mm) | Length (mm) | Thickness (mm) |
Grid - Triangel 75 | 75 | 610 | 40 |
Grid - Triangel 150 | 150 | 610 | 40 |
Other dimensions can be made upon consultation.
The surface finish is in Natur - white, gray, or black. Upon request, color according to RAL.
Possible Uses
Grid - Triangel is intended for use where aesthetically and functionally a continuous cassette ceiling is not feasible and it is necessary to adjust the acoustic conditions in the room. Their advantage lies in their variability, both in height and thickness, as well as in color and shape. Their application achieves a new rendition of the ceiling while achieving the desired acoustic properties.
4. Similar products in this category:
The main products are classic rectangular baffles, further effective Baffle ART, and triangular baffle Triangel. Wavy shapes include Baffle wave, and there is also an important group of baffles for industry and for moist spaces.
Acoustic Variants:
Product Name: Panel EKOSOUND
Acoustics: Measurement was performed without offset, i.e., with application directly on the wall.

Technical Characteristics:
Basic Surface Finishes of Baffle Triangel Panels :
Ekosound surface:

textile panel of fine fibers
A problem | Noise/echo in the room |
Element shape | Ceiling grids, Suspended ceiling panels |
Location on: | The ceiling |
Designed for: | Schools, kindergartens, Offices, Social spaces, Cinema/Theatre |
Hanging from the ceiling | Zavesené na stojato |
Vlastnosti panelov z materiálu Ekosound Hard /PET vlákno/ |
Hrúbka materiálu / Povrch |
Panely Ekosound Hard sa vyrábajú v hrúbke 12 alebo 24mm. Po nainštalovaní nie je potrebné ho čalúniť, natierať ani chrániť. |
Horľavosť - Reakcia na oheň |
Panely Ekosound sú z PET vlákna. Horľavosť: Ekosound v hrúbke 5-50mm a plošnej hmotnosti do 2500g/m2 je zaradený podľa STN EN 13501-1 do skupiny B S1,d0 ako neľahko horľavý. |
Odolnosť voči vlhku |
Vláknitý panel EKOSOUND Hard je vhodný aj do vlhkého prostredia do 60% vlhkosti pri odvetrávanom priestore a zabránenie kondenzácie vodných pár. |
Mechanické vlastnosti |
Materiál dosky je pevný pružný a odolný voči opotrebeniu, je odolný voči nárazu a roztrhnutiu. Panely EKOSOUND sú tvrdé a odolávajú mechanickému poškodeniu aj hrubej sile pri dodržaní určitých podmienok. Panely sa dajú formátovať na píle prípadne frézovať. Je možné ich skrutkovať na stenu. |
Hygiena a čistenie panelov |
Panely Ekosound vynikajú ekologickou nezávadnosťou. Vhodné pre detské zariadenia a zdravotnícke priestory. Čistenie mäkkým kefou alebo vysávačom. |
Hmotnosť panelov |
2000g/m2 pri hrúbke 12mm. |
Povrchová úprava panelov |
light grey silver grey anthracite |
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