Grid - rectangular

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Light Grey Silver Grey White 06 Black 17 30 Dark Blue 08 Blue 03 Sky Blue 22 Aqua Grey 14 19x 16 turquoise 31 Forest Green 38 Green 04 Lime Green 37 Orange 05 Deep Orange 19 Red 21 Ferruginous 09 Violet 23 Maroon 15 Ash Grey 18 Light Camel 07 Deep Camel 10 Longan Yellow 11 2X 44 13 38

Produced to order

Acoustic grids for ceilings are specially designed grids that are intended for use on ceilings and serve to improve the acoustics of a room. These grilles can have different designs and configurations and are often used in commercial buildings, offices, schools, hospitals and other places where good acoustic comfort is required. More

Shaped vertical absorbers in the form of islands in square or rectangular shapes, creating design clusters on the ceiling. Lighting can be incorporated on the bottom edge of the lamellas or between them. Depending on the density and dimensions of the lamellas, the grids have excellent acoustic properties. Their advantage is that they can be applied above areas with high noise levels. They are made of Ekosound Felt material. These grids can have different textures, colors, and patterns and can be installed on ceilings, where they serve as sound-absorbing elements.

Product Description:

Category/Material Grid - grille / PET panel Ekosound Hard
Surface Finish-Color mottled colors of Hard panel
Sound Absorption alpha w = 0.9
Fire Resistance Class B-s1d0

GRID- rectangular Islands made of baffles in rectangular or square shapes joined together and suspended from the ceiling.

Islands of grids in square or rectangular shapes made of Ekosound Hard PET fiber lamellas. The lamellas can be in various dimensions, creating islands in different sizes. These are defined when ordering.

Island Dimensions mm Lamella Thickness mm Lamella Height /mm/ Spacing between Lamellas /mm/
Variant A - grid 1200 x 1200 9 (18) 100 100
Limit Dimensions 1200-2400 x 1200-2400 9 (18) 100-300 100-400
Variant B - lamellas 1200x1200 9 (18) 100 100
Limit Dimensions 1200-2400 x 1200-2400 9 (18) 100-300 100-400

Lamellas in grids can have various shapes such as

variant B - lamellas variant A - rounded edges variant B - color combination


Acoustic Properties:

Sound Absorption: Tested according to EN ISO 354.

Basic Surface Finishes of Circle Grid
The color of the lamellas can be white, black, or according to the color

   Usage: Acoustic grids for ceilings can be combined with other acoustic solutions such as acoustic panels, diffusers, or bass traps to achieve the desired acoustic comfort and sound quality in the room. The design and selection of acoustic grids for the ceiling depend on specific room requirements, aesthetic preferences, and acoustic efficiency requirements.

Installation: see here

Element thickness 9mm
Core material Recyklovaný PET panel
Surface treatment PET panel Farba
A problem Noise/echo in the room
Element shape Ceiling grids, Suspended ceiling panels
Location on: The ceiling
Designed for: Schools, kindergartens, Offices, Social spaces
Hanging from the ceiling Zavesené na stojato

Montáž Mriežok

Montáž mriežok GRID sa vykonáva priamym závesom alebo cez pomocné T profily

Vlastnosti panelov z materiálu Ekosound Hard  /PET vlákno/
Hrúbka materiálu / Povrch
Panely Ekosound Hard sa vyrábajú v hrúbke 12 alebo 24mm. Po nainštalovaní  nie je potrebné ho čalúniť, natierať ani chrániť. 
Horľavosť - Reakcia na oheň
Panely Ekosound sú z PET vlákna.
Horľavosť: Ekosound v hrúbke 5-50mm a plošnej hmotnosti do 2500g/m2  je zaradený podľa STN EN 13501-1 do skupiny B S1,d0  ako neľahko horľavý.
Odolnosť voči vlhku
Vláknitý panel EKOSOUND Hard je vhodný aj do  vlhkého prostredia do 60% vlhkosti pri odvetrávanom priestore  a zabránenie kondenzácie vodných pár.
Mechanické vlastnosti
Materiál dosky je  pevný pružný a odolný voči opotrebeniu, je odolný voči nárazu a roztrhnutiu. Panely EKOSOUND  sú tvrdé a odolávajú mechanickému poškodeniu aj hrubej sile pri dodržaní určitých podmienok. Panely sa dajú formátovať na píle prípadne frézovať. Je možné ich skrutkovať na stenu.
Hygiena  a čistenie panelov

Panely Ekosound vynikajú ekologickou nezávadnosťou.  Vhodné pre detské zariadenia a zdravotnícke priestory. Čistenie mäkkým kefou alebo vysávačom.
Povrch panelov je melírovaný v rôznych odtieňoch čím nie je potrebné panely dalej povrchovo upravovať okrem prípadneho náteru RAL.

Hmotnosť panelov
2000g/m2 pri hrúbke 12mm.
Povrchová úprava panelov


light grey                             silver grey                            anthracite

Alternative products5