Highly elegant solution - shaped vertical absorbers GRID Kruh placed in islands in the shape of circles creating design groups on the ceiling. The lighting can be incorporated on the lower edge of the slats or between the slats. The shapes can be white or colored according to RAL or wrapped in fabric More
Product Description
A layout of circular shapes composed of individual baffles/lamellas is proposed for the room's floor plan. These shapes, marked in white on the image, are connected with rear support profiles and suspended in the space. There may also be interlocking of individual shapes as shown in the image. Material baffles can be mineral or textile. LED strips can be mounted on the bottom edge of the baffles for lighting.
Product Features
Material | felted PET panel |
Product Weight per m2 | 4 kg per m2 |
Thickness/Height/Spacing of Lamella mm | 18, 40mm /150/ 150 mm |
Diameter | 800,1200,1500 mm |
Product Unit | 1 pc |
Surface Finish | White, black in 40mm thickness, colors in 18mm thickness |
Dimensions and Variants of the Product
Variant |
Circle Diameter |
Lamella Thickness mm | Lamella Height /mm/ | Spacing between Lamellas /mm/ |
Standard version | 1200 | 40 | 150 | 100 |
Limit Dimensions | 600 - 2400 | 12, 24, 40 | 100 - 200 | 100 - 200 |
Acoustic Properties
Product Name: Baffle
Acoustics: Measurement was conducted with a spacing between individual panels of 1000mm.
Application: The panel is suitable for suppressing predominantly high frequencies or, in the Baffle Foil version, for suppressing mid frequencies.
Sound Absorption: Tested according to EN ISO 354.
Basic Surface Finishes
The color of the lamellas can be white, black, or according to the color
Installation: see here
Element thickness | 9mm, 40mm |
Core material | Recyklovaný PET panel |
Surface | Felt |
Surface treatment | PET panel Natur Biely,čierny, PET panel Farba |
A problem | Noise/echo in the room |
Element shape | Slat, Ceiling grids, Suspended ceiling panels |
Location on: | The ceiling |
Designed for: | Offices, Social spaces, Cinema/Theatre |
Hanging from the ceiling | Zavesené na stojato |
Montáž mriežok GRID sa vykonáva priamym závesom alebo cez pomocné T profily
Technické vlastnosti akustických panelov Obifon a Ekosound
Variant Ekosound /PET vlákno/ |
Horľavosť - Reakcia na oheň |
Panely Ekosound sú z PET vlákna. Horľavosť: Ekosound v hrúbke 5-50mm a plošnej hmotnosti do 2500g/m2 je zaradený podľa STN EN 13501-1 do skupiny B S1,d0 ako neľahko horľavý. |
Odolnosť voči vlhku |
Vláknitý panel EKOSOUND je vhodný aj do vlhkého prostredia do 60% vlhkosti pri odvetrávanom priestore a zabránenie kondenzácie vodných pár. |
Mechanické vlastnosti |
Panely EKOSOUND sú pružné a odolávajú mechanickému poškodeniu aj hrubej sile okrem znečistenia povrchu . |
Hygiena a čistenie panelov |
Panely Ekosound vynikajú ekologickou nezávadnosťou. V prevedení Natural je bez akejkoľvek chemickej prísady. Vhodné pre detské zariadenia a zdravotnícke priestory. Čistenie mäkkým kefou alebo vysávačom. |
Hmotnosť panelov |
2500g/m2 pri hrúbke 40mm. |
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