Laying acoustic panels in rows with regular gaps requires a hanging system and not cables as in free laying, the advantage is their variability, both in height and in color and shape. The suspension system allows maintaining spacing and fixing individual panels and rows to each other More
Product Description
When designing panels of the Neo system, it is necessary to consider that the panels are suspended on a pair of T profiles with a minimum gap of 5cm between panels. Therefore, it is possible to create only strips or groups of panels in this way. By placing panels with different lengths or widths and height offsets, irregularity of the cloud group is achieved. The biggest advantage of this system is easy assembly and the ability to easily tilt a panel for access to utilities or to remove and clean a panel and then rehang it.
Cloud Division by Material in the NEO System
- Variant with mineral core - designation A2
- Variant with textile core Ekosound - designation B
Dimensions of NEO Cloud Panels
Dimensions (mm) | Variant | Width (mm) | Length (mm) | Thickness (mm) | ![]() |
Neo Clouds | var. A2 and B | 1000 | 600,900,1200,1500 | 40,50 | |
Neo Clouds (limit dimensions) * other dimensions upon consultation |
800 - 12 |
Panel Surfaces: For variant B, the surface can be Natural White, fabric according to the sample book with a white edge, or fabric with printing. See the surfaces tab.
Similar Products
A similar product is the panel Rectangular Clouds and Art Clouds in various shapes. Effective imitations are Clouds in the shape and color of Air Clouds. For laying clouds in strips or on the entire surface, we recommend the NEO variant.
Integration of integrated lights and graphics on the surface.
Usage Options
The Neo variant is a system for connecting clouds into groups to easily assemble visually interesting surfaces on the ceiling. It is a system that can be used for partial coverage of the area but also for full cladding of ceilings. The system can consist of identical or three or more dimensionally different panels, from which various patterns can be assembled by exchanging them. Clouds are easily removable.
Initially, it is possible to assemble strips or islands of panels of the same or different dimensions according to the table.

Strip of Neo Clouds assembled from identical panels

Strip of Neo Clouds assembled from panels of three lengths

Group of clouds (island) assembled from panels of three different lengths

The third option is laying clouds of various dimensions according to the table with different widths, lengths, and different height offsets, when maintaining the advantages of the system in appearance of individual panel fixation.

Strip of Neo Clouds assembled from panels of various widths and offsets
Initially, it is possible to assemble strips of panels of endless length. By joining such strips with a disclosed joint 5cm (this joint is always present also between individual panels in a row), a cohesive surface is created. The system allows easy addition of empty space for lights or other ceiling fixtures. All panels allow for easy removal by lifting and shifting aside (more in the Installation section). For this system, various access holes, cleaning of individual panels, or quick replacement of damaged pieces are not a problem.
Panels are mounted on visible T profiles. This means that this profile can be seen in the joints. However, by using the color of the profiles corresponding to the ceiling color, this phenomenon can be minimized to the maximum extent possible.
- easy installation
- modular system with panel replacement options
- easy removal of panels or tilting for access to spaces behind panels (electrical, air, water)
- symbiosis of lighting and panel composition
- excellent acoustic properties
- visible T profile in gaps between panels longitudinally / 5cm /
Acoustic Variants
Mineral panel A2 and Ekosound PET fiber panel B
Product Name: Mineral Clouds var. A2
Acoustics: Measurement was performed with an offset of 500mm and a thickness of 50mm.
Sound absorption: Tested according to EN ISO 354.

Product Name: Mineral Clouds A2 equivalent area.
Sound absorption: Tested according to EN ISO 354.
Acoustics: Measurement was performed with an offset of 500 or 1000mm.

Product Name: Clouds B Ekosound PET fiber
Acoustics: Measurement was performed with an offset of 400mm

Product Name: Clouds B Ekosound PET fiber
Acoustics: Measurement was performed with an offset of 400mm

Acoustics according to panel height:
Clouds A2
Acoustics: tested according to EN ISO 354.
Measurement was performed with an offset of 1000mm
Acoustics: tested according to EN ISO 354

Clouds B Ekosound PET fiber
Acoustics: tested according to EN ISO 354.
Measurement was performed with an offset of 1000mm

Element thickness | 40mm, 50mm |
Core material | Recyklovaný PET panel, Minerálne vlákno - nehorľavé |
A problem | Noise/echo in the room |
Element shape | Suspended ceiling panels |
Hanging from the ceiling | Zavesené na ležato |
Montáž systéme NEO pozostáva za nasledovných krokov
- Rozkreslenie radov panelov a uchytenie T profilov na strop v rastri 60cm v strede radu
- Spojenie nosných T profilov 60cm priečnym profilom kazdých cca 120cm
- Na T profil sa pootočením pripevní T-klip s hákom /viď obrázok/
- Do pripravených a spevnených miest na zadnej strane panelov sa našroubuje plastový slimák s pootočením aby ho bolo možne do T klipu v smere kladenia zavesiť
- Po osadení všetkých 4 alebo 6 drôtených slimákoch zavesíme panel do T klipov na T profiloch.
- Podvihnutím panelu a potiahnutím do strany je potom rovnako veľmi jednoducho možné panel odobrať.
- Panely v dĺžke do 800mm je možné nadvihnúť na dvoch T klipoch a spustiť, čím dôjde k vyklopeniu panelu. Zostane visieť na dvoch T klipoch.

(Ukážka uchytenia T profilov pomocou nóbiového závesu na T profil)

(Ukážka uchytenia T klipu o T profil a zavesenie panelu pomocou slimáka o T klip)

(Ukážka hotového uchytávacieho systému s nainštalovanými panelmi)

(Ukážka možnosti vyklopenia rozmerovo menšieho panelu)
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