Clouds A2 ceiling panel

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00 1220 - Ivory 51 - New Cream 36 - Beige 1022 - Camel A18 - Carrot 6 - New Red 1331 - Turkis 390 - Light Blue
Coral Wood dub Green Samson
Biela mellow Beige svetlošedá tmavošedá modrá zelená čierna RAL

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Acoustic panel in the shape of rectangles and squares intended for suspension under the ceiling. For simple applications, covering 30-40% of the ceiling surface is sufficient. This is thanks to excellent acoustic properties. More

Product Description

Non-flammable (A2-s1, d0), fully upholstered acoustic canopies A2 suspended from the ceiling to minimize reverberation and enhance sound quality in the environment. Designed with emphasis on efficiency and aesthetics. Efficiency not only in terms of acoustic properties but also in terms of production and installation, making it a suitable economical solution for projects with smaller budgets.

Main Advantages of Cloud A2 Panels

  • High Acoustic Performance - thanks to the high absorbency of the material, covering approximately 30-40% of the ceiling area is often sufficient to significantly improve acoustics.
  • Adaptability - panels can be made in atypical dimensions, so in places like school cafeterias, there's no need to adjust the lighting; we can adapt to it.
  • Non-flammability - the non-flammable nature allows usage in public administration and anywhere flame-retardant materials are required.
  • Solo Panel - panels are produced and can be used individually - there's no need to cover the entire ceiling area. They can be combined into various designs.

Product Features

Category / Material suspended panel / mineral, PET fiber
Surface Finish Fabric, Coral,Akuglas,Polar
Sound Absorption alpha w = 0.9-1
Fire Rating A2 s1, d0 mineral
Weight 4000 gr per m2 at 40mm
Installation see here

Dimensional Variants of Clouds - rectangle shape

Mineral core Clouds - designation A2

Variant mineral designation A2 Width /mm/ Length /mm/ Thickness /mm/
Clouds A2 /Coral surface - square/ 1200 1200 50
Clouds A2 /Akutec fabric surface - square/ 1200 1200 50

Clouds in grey Akutec fabric

Similar Products in This Product Category

The main products are rectangular Clouds, circular Circle Clouds and Art Clouds in various shapes. Effective are imitations of cloud shapes and colors like Air Clouds. For laying clouds in stripes or across the entire area, we recommend the NEO variant.

They are intended where from an aesthetic and functional point of view, continuous cassette ceilings cannot be used, and it is necessary to adjust acoustic conditions in the room. Their advantage is their variability in terms of height, thickness, color, and shape. Their application achieves a new ceiling design while achieving desired acoustic properties.

Usage Possibilities

Clouds A2 are an ideal complement for social spaces, educational and office environments where improving working conditions is important. Their flexibility allows for combination with lighting and customization with color options and size, achieving maximum aesthetic effect. When designing, it is essential to consider their harmonious integration with the type of lighting and other ceiling elements. Note that for larger panel sizes, consultation is necessary for optimal mounting solutions.

Acoustic Properties

Acoustics: Measurements were conducted with a 500mm offset at a thickness of 50mm and a spacing of 500mm.

Panel Type alpha w NRC Class of Absorption
Clouds A2 mineral panel 1 1 A

Absorption for Clouds A2 50mm

Product Name: Clouds mineral A2 equivalent surface.

Acoustics: Measurements were conducted with a 500 or 1000mm offset.

equiv. area equiv. area clouds

Basic Surface Finishes of Panels

Textile Surfaces:

  • Akutec - suede-like surface with subtle shading (180g/m2)

Glass Fiber Surfaces

  • Coral - imitation of rough plaster

Element thickness 40mm, 50mm, 100mm
Core material Minerálne vlákno - nehorľavé
Surface treatment Sklotkanina Coral
A problem Noise/echo in the room
Element shape Panel Rectangle
Location on: The ceiling
Designed for: Social spaces, Cinema/Theatre
Select a shape Obdĺžnikový tvar
Hanging from the ceiling Zavesené na ležato


Lanká sú rektifikovatelné, takže výška panelu sa reguluje po zavesení. Množstvo setov laniek na zavesenie, dodržujte podľa doporučenia výrobcom.

Montáž závesu

1. Navŕtanie otvoru na miesto osadenia závesu do zadnej strany panelu 

2. Zakrútenie drôteného slimáka do otvoru. Slimák zakrútime čo najhlbšie bez prerazenia prednej strany.

3. Uchytenie kombišroubu  s hmoždinou do stropu a zakrútenie vrchneho rektif. závesu na strop

4. Zavesenie oblaku cez lanko do oboch hákov buď cez Y záves  alebo záves 1 na 1.

Technické vlastnosti akustických panelov Obifon

Variant  Obifon  označenie  A2  /minerál/
Horľavosť - Reakcia na oheň
Panely OBIFON sú vyrábané zo 100% minerálnej vlny, ktorá odoláva teplote 1000oC viac ako dve hodiny bez topenia.
Horľavosť: Panel je zaradený podľa STN EN 13501-1 do skupiny A2,S1,d0 ako nehorľavý.
Šírenie plameňa po povrchu: nulové šírenie plameňa po povrchu podľa STN 730863 pri variante coral.
Odolnosť voči vlhku
Minerálna vlna je nehygroskopický materiál odolný voči 90% relatívnej vlhkosti pri zachovaní 100% rozmerovej stability.Podmienkou je odvetrávanie priestoru a zabránenie kondenzácie vodných pár.
Mechanické vlastnosti
Panely OBIFON sa vyrábajú z tvrdej kamennej vlny a sú opatrene dvojitou vrstvou sklotkaniny a textílie proti ich poškodeniu pri bežnom úžívaní. Neodolávajú pôsobeniu hrubej sily. Na miesta dotyku s panelmi doporučujeme povrch v tkanine.
Hygiena  a čistenie panelov
Kamenná vlna je anorganický materiál a nie je napádaný plesňami, baktériami a ani hubami. Čistenie povrchu mäkkou kefou alebo vysávačom so štetinami podľa návodu pre konkrétnu tkaninu.  Povrch Coral je možné jemne čistiť vlhkou handrou alebo jemnou kefou.
Hmotnosť panelov
4500 g/m2 pri hrúbke 50mm.

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