Ceiling cassettes Grid

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Light Grey Silver Grey White 06 Black 17 30 Dark Blue 08 Blue 03 Sky Blue 22 Aqua Grey 14 19x 16 turquoise 31 Forest Green 38 Green 04 Lime Green 37 Orange 05 Deep Orange 19 Red 21 Ferruginous 09 Violet 23 Maroon 15 Ash Grey 18 Light Camel 07 Deep Camel 10 Longan Yellow 11 2X 44 13 38

Produced to order

The suspended lamella grid provides a nice design with an excellent reduction of unpleasant noise. These three-dimensional Ceiling Grids are easily installed into your existing 60x60cm grid system and effectively transform your ceilings into interesting and artistic sound-absorbing compositions. More

Installation is simple. The main advantages are the easy application, acoustic efficiency, and slatted appearance of walls and ceilings.
Fully adjustable in slat dimensions as well as colors - see samples at the top of the page.

Category / Material

Slat / PET panel
Surface Treatment Color according to sample book
Sound Absorption alfa w = 0,85
Fire Resistance B s1, d0
Standard Baffle Dimensions
600x600x120mm   other dimensions upon request
Mechanical Durability has excellent mechanical durability but does not withstand rough force.

They are also suitable for office communities, shops, and restaurants - the only limits are your imagination. The Felt Line Harmony panel is designed to reduce noise levels and is an effective solution for sound absorption while shortening the reverberation time for noise in the home 

Design Variants

Straight Slats

Cross Slats

Acoustic Properties

 Offset from ceiling 200mm

Application/Slat Dimension Spacing Thickness αw / NRC
Ceiling / 60x60 60mm 200mm 0,85-A / 0,95
Element thickness 9mm, 12mm
Core material Recyklovaný PET panel, Drevo
Surface Felt
Surface treatment PET panel Natur Biely,čierny, PET panel Farba
A problem Noise/echo in the room
Element shape Slat, Ceiling, Ceiling grids, Suspended ceiling panels
Location on: The ceiling
Designed for: Offices, Social spaces, Cinema/Theatre
Hanging from the ceiling Zavesené na stojato
Variant  Ekosound označenie B  /PET vlákno/
Horľavosť - Reakcia na oheň
Panely Ekosound sú z PET vlákna.
Horľavosť: Ekosound v hrúbke 5-50mm a plošnej hmotnosti do 2500g/m2  je zaradený podľa STN EN 13501-1 do skupiny B S1,d0  ako neľahko horľavý.
Odolnosť voči vlhku
Vláknitý panel EKOSOUND je vhodný aj do  vlhkého prostredia do 60% vlhkosti pri odvetrávanom priestore  a zabránenie kondenzácie vodných pár.
Mechanické vlastnosti
Panely EKOSOUND  sú pružné a odolávajú mechanickému poškodeniu aj hrubej sile okrem znečistenia povrchu .
Hygiena  a čistenie panelov

Panely Ekosound vynikajú ekologickou nezávadnosťou. V prevedení Natural je bez akejkoľvek chemickej prísady. Vhodné pre detské zariadenia a zdravotnícke priestory. Čistenie mäkkým kefou alebo vysávačom.
  Pri aplikácii panelov Natural v bielej alebo čiernej farbe sa musia používať rukavice, pretože povrch panelov je citlivý na znečistené ruky.

Hmotnosť panelov
2500g/m2 pri hrúbke 40mm.