Ceiling canopies - Clouds B

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Coral Wood dub

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Spatial suspended acoustic panel in the shape of rectangles and squares intended for horizontal suspension under the ceiling as horizontal clouds or solo panels. OBIFON canopies have excellent acoustic properties, so it is not necessary to cover the entire ceiling. It is often sufficient to cover 30-40% of the ceiling area. It is possible to install lighting fixtures in the clouds. More

Suspended acoustic element in the shape of rectangles and squares designed for horizontal suspension under the ceiling as horizontal clouds or solo panels. OBIFON clouds have excellent acoustic properties, so it is not necessary to cover the entire ceiling. Often, covering 30-40% of the ceiling area is sufficient. Lighting fixtures can be installed into the clouds.

Product Description

Category / Material suspended panel / PET fiber
Surface Finish Natural white, black - Fabric, Coral
Sound Absorption alpha w = 0.9-1
Fire Rating B s1,d0
Weight 2500 g/m2 at 40mm thickness
Installation see here

Cloud Variants - rectangle shape (squares and rectangles)

1st variant with textile core Ekosound felt designation B.

Dimensions of Cloud Panels B   material felt panel Ekosound

Variant Ekosound designation B Width /mm/ Length /mm/ Thickness /mm/
Clouds B -    natural white, black, upholstered in Akutec fabric 600,1200 1200 40
Clouds B  XXL  -    natural white, black, upholstered in Akutec fabric 1200,1500 2400 40
Other dimensions upon consultation

Combination of lighting with Ekosound clouds

Clouds in grey Akutec fabric

RAL clouds

Similar Products in this Product Category

The main products are rectangular clouds Rectangle, circular Circle Clouds, and Art Clouds in various shapes. Effective are imitations of cloud shapes and colors like Air Clouds.

They are intended where it is not possible from an aesthetic and functional point of view to use a continuous cassette ceiling and it is necessary to adjust the acoustic conditions in the room. Their advantage lies in their variability, both in terms of height, thickness, color, and shape. Their application achieves a new design of the ceiling while achieving the desired acoustic properties.

Usage Options

Social spaces, schools, and offices are places where Clouds find application in modifying the working environment. They can be combined with lighting and designed in terms of color and size to achieve maximum aesthetic effect. When designing them, it is necessary to find their symbiosis with the type of lighting and other ceiling elements.  Note: Larger panel dimensions require consultation on the mounting method.

Acoustic Properties of Acoustic Panels

Acoustics: Measurement was performed with an offset of 400mm
Panel Type alpha w NRC Sound Absorption Class
Clouds Ekosound B felt panel  0.95 1 A


Oblaky B Ekosound PET Fiber

Acoustics: Measurement was performed with an offset of 400mm

Clouds 40mm

Basic Surface Finishes of OBIFON Cloud Panels, rectangle and square variants:

Textile Surfaces

  • Akutec - suede-like surface with subtle shading (180g/m2)

Fiberglass Surfaces

  • Coral - imitation of rough plaster
Element thickness 40mm, 80mm
Core material Recyklovaný PET panel
Surface Textile, fabric
Surface treatment Textília, Tkanina s potlačou, Sklotkanina Coral
A problem Noise/echo in the room
Element shape Panel Rectangle, Suspended ceiling panels
Location on: The ceiling
Designed for: Apartments/Houses, Schools, kindergartens, Offices, Industry, Sports fields, Social spaces, Cinema/Theatre, Home cinema, Recording studio
Select a shape Obdĺžnikový tvar
Hanging from the ceiling Zavesené na ležato


Montáž stropných panelov Oblaky

Lanká sú rektifikovatelné, takže výška panelu sa reguluje po zavesení. Množstvo setov laniek na zavesenie, dodržujte podľa doporučenia výrobcom.

Montáž závesu

1. Navŕtanie otvoru na miesto osadenia závesu do zadnej strany panelu 

2. Zakrútenie drôteného slimáka do otvoru. Slimák zakrútime čo najhlbšie bez prerazenia prednej strany.

3. Uchytenie kombišroubu  s hmoždinou do stropu a zakrútenie vrchneho rektif. závesu na strop

4. Zavesenie oblaku cez lanko do oboch hákov buď cez Y záves  alebo záves 1 na 1.

Technické vlastnosti akustických panelov Obifon a Ekosound

Variant  Ekosound označenie B  /PET vlákno/
Horľavosť - Reakcia na oheň
Panely Ekosound sú z PET vlákna.
Horľavosť: Ekosound v hrúbke 5-50mm a plošnej hmotnosti do 2500g/m2  je zaradený podľa STN EN 13501-1 do skupiny B S1,d0  ako neľahko horľavý.
Odolnosť voči vlhku
Vláknitý panel EKOSOUND je vhodný aj do  vlhkého prostredia do 60% vlhkosti pri odvetrávanom priestore  a zabránenie kondenzácie vodných pár.
Mechanické vlastnosti
Panely EKOSOUND  sú pružné a odolávajú mechanickému poškodeniu aj hrubej sile okrem znečistenia povrchu .
Hygiena  a čistenie panelov

Panely Ekosound vynikajú ekologickou nezávadnosťou. V prevedení Natural je bez akejkoľvek chemickej prísady. Vhodné pre detské zariadenia a zdravotnícke priestory. Čistenie mäkkým kefou alebo vysávačom.
  Pri aplikácii panelov Natural v bielej alebo čiernej farbe sa musia používať rukavice, pretože povrch panelov je citlivý na znečistené ruky.

Hmotnosť panelov
2500g/m2 pri hrúbke 40mm.

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