Economical and efficient suspended industrial absorbers on the ceiling in a metal frame.

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It is a vertical suspended acoustic panel, intended for industry to reduce noise. The panel has metal U profile edges. It has extreme efficiency due to the large effective surface area. More

Product Description

Vertical sound absorbers Baffle Industry are housed in an anodized sheet metal frame suspended on T-profiles. The edges and panel surfaces are resistant to damage and dust.

Product Features

Category / Material Vertical suspended panel in baffle shape / mineral
Surface Finish Akuglas acoustic fabric, Blanco
Sound Absorption αw = 0.95
Fire Rating A2 s1,d0
Edges U-profile metal
Installation See here

Product Dimensions

Length [mm] Width [mm] Thickness [mm]
1000 600, 300, 200 50

Possible Applications

Vertical sound absorbers - Baffle panels are used as suspended panels in spaces below the ceiling, effectively absorbing sound through their large absorption surface achieved by their suspension. They reduce echoes in spaces, thereby lowering noise levels and improving the working environment. They are primarily used in industrial settings and where suspended ceilings are impractical, or where increased absorption is needed to reduce noise levels.

Acoustic Properties

  • Application of baffles for noise suppression in industry is one of the most effective methods of reducing noise in a space.
  • Application: The panel is suitable for suppressing predominantly high frequencies or in Baffle Foil version for suppressing mid-range frequencies.
  • Size: 1000 x 600 x 50mm
  • Spacing: 600mm
  • αw = 0.75
  • NRC = 0.83

Basic Surface Finishes

Mechanically resistant Akuglass fabric is suitable for industrial applications. Blanco fabric is suitable for corridors and clean areas requiring a white surface.

  • Akuglas - designed for demanding spaces in terms of performance and durability
  • Blanco - smooth surfaces for finishing mineral panels


Element thickness 50mm
Core material Minerálne vlákno - nehorľavé
Surface treatment Sklotkanina Blanco, Sklotkanina Akuglas
A problem Noise/echo in the room
Element shape Panel Rectangle
Location on: The ceiling
Designed for: Industry
Select a shape Obdĺžnikový tvar
Hanging from the ceiling Zavesené na stojato
Variant  Obifon  označenie  A2  /minerál/
Horľavosť - Reakcia na oheň
Panely OBIFON sú vyrábané zo 100% minerálnej vlny, ktorá odoláva teplote 1000oC viac ako dve hodiny bez topenia.
Horľavosť: Panel je zaradený podľa STN EN 13501-1 do skupiny A2,S1,d0 ako nehorľavý.
Šírenie plameňa po povrchu: nulové šírenie plameňa po povrchu podľa STN 730863 pri variante coral.
Odolnosť voči vlhku
Minerálna vlna je nehygroskopický materiál odolný voči 90% relatívnej vlhkosti pri zachovaní 100% rozmerovej stability.Podmienkou je odvetrávanie priestoru a zabránenie kondenzácie vodných pár.
Mechanické vlastnosti
Panely OBIFON sa vyrábajú z tvrdej kamennej vlny a sú opatrene dvojitou vrstvou sklotkaniny a textílie proti ich poškodeniu pri bežnom úžívaní. Neodolávajú pôsobeniu hrubej sily. Na miesta dotyku s panelmi doporučujeme povrch v tkanine.
Hygiena  a čistenie panelov
Kamenná vlna je anorganický materiál a nie je napádaný plesňami, baktériami a ani hubami. Čistenie povrchu mäkkou kefou alebo vysávačom so štetinami podľa návodu pre konkrétnu tkaninu.  Povrch Coral je možné jemne čistiť vlhkou handrou alebo jemnou kefou.
Hmotnosť panelov
4500 g/m2 pri hrúbke 50mm.

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