Produced to order

Baffle Foil vertical hanging panels are intended for humid and hygienic spaces. They are also recommended for areas where condensation of water vapor may occur, such as stadiums or swimming pools. The panel in the standard variant is applied using steel cables and clamps. More

Product Description

The Vertical Suspended Baffle Panel Foil consists of an absorbent core wrapped in a special washable foil. The panel in its standard variant is applied using steel rails and clips.

Product Features

Material Category Ceiling panel / mineral in foil
Surface Finish-Color White / black foil
Sound Absorption αw = 0.45-0.55
Fire Rating A2 s1,d0
Mechanical Resistance Good
Weight 4 kg per m2; 2.6 kg/pc for size 600 x 1000 mm

Moisture Resistance

The product is suitable for spaces with direct contact with water or condensed water.


The product is suitable for hygienic spaces and can be washed with water under low pressure.


Cleanable with water and mild soaps, including spraying under low pressure.
Installation See here

Product Dimensions

  Dimensions [mm] 

Thickness [mm]

Baffle 1000x600


Possible Applications

Vertical sound absorbers - Baffle Foil are used as suspended panels in spaces under the ceiling, effectively absorbing sound. They reduce echoes in spaces, thereby lowering noise levels and improving the working environment. They are primarily used in hygienic spaces and where there is a risk of water vapor condensation. Baffle Foil is designed for use in damp and wet spaces or environments with high dirt levels.

Acoustic Properties

Product Name: Baffle Foil

Acoustics: Measurements were conducted with panel spacing of 600 mm and 1000 mm.

  • αw = 0.45 with 1000 mm spacing
  • αw = 0.55 with 600 mm spacing

Element thickness 50mm
Core material Minerálne vlákno - nehorľavé
Surface treatment Fólia
A problem Noise/echo in the room
Element shape Suspended ceiling panels
Location on: The ceiling
Designed for: Industry, Sports fields
Hanging from the ceiling Zavesené na stojato

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