Acoustic PET canopies - Air Eko

Specify product selection
Light Grey Silver Grey White 06 Black 17 30 Dark Blue 08 Blue 03 Sky Blue 22 Aqua Grey 14 19x 16 turquoise 31 Forest Green 38 Green 04 Lime Green 37 Orange 05 Deep Orange 19 Red 21 Ferruginous 09 Violet 23 Maroon 15 Ash Grey 18 Light Camel 07 Deep Camel 10 Longan Yellow 11 2X 44 13 38

Produced to order

Especially for children's areas, every bit of nature is good. And it is here that acoustic panels carved in the shape of clouds on the ceiling combine nature with acoustic comfort. They can be white, black in color - with a print of the sky. More

Product Description

Acoustic panels made from PET panel Ekosound in cloud shapes with printed sky or white fabric. They can be suspended from the ceiling or mounted on the wall.

Dimensions Range of Air canopies

Air Clouds mimic cloud shapes in the listed dimensions - exact dimensions cannot be specified. We recommend ordering as a mixture of clouds in various sizes

Cloud Length mm Cloud Width mm Cloud Thickness mm
1000, 1200, 1500, 2400 500, 750, 1200 9, 40
Other sizes on request  

Surface Finishes of Panels

  1. Air Cloud Eco Panel is standardly supplied in white, natural variant
  2. The panel comes with sky-colored / blue-white printed fabric
  3. Front side is in a color chosen from the color chart, edge is white
  4. The panel is treated with a sky imitation spray

printed surface, sky motif

front surface color as per sample book

cloud shapes

Delivery of different cloud shapes is possible upon request and order.

Usage Options

Mainly used in private sectors as well as in educational facilities and preschools, where the aesthetic expression of natural elements is important. They are also used in call centers, restaurants, office spaces, where the ecological nature of elements is significant. The symbiosis of clouds with lighting, whether separate from panels or within/on them, is crucial.

Acoustic Properties

Clouds effectively reduce reverberation and suppress noise in rooms.

Product Name: Clouds B Ekosound felt 40mm

Acoustics: Measurement conducted with a 400mm offset

Product Name: Clouds B Ekosound felt 12mm

Acoustics: Measurement conducted with a 400mm offset

Absorption clouds 12mm offset 400mm
Element thickness 9mm, 40mm
Core material Recyklovaný PET panel
Surface Felt
Surface treatment PET panel Natur Biely,čierny, PET panel Farba
A problem Noise/echo in the room
Element shape Different panel shape, Suspended ceiling panels
Location on: The ceiling
Designed for: Schools, kindergartens
Select a shape Kruhový tvar
Hanging from the ceiling Zavesené na ležato


Technické vlastnosti:


Reakcia na oheň

Panely Ekosound sú z PES vlákna.
Horľavosť: Ekosound v hrúbke 5-50mm a plošnej hmotnosti do 2500g/m2   je zaradený podľa STN EN 13501-1 do skupiny B S1,d0  ako neľahko horľavý.


Odolnosť voči vlhku

Vláknitý panel EKOSOUND nie je vhodný do vlhkého prostredia z titulu napádania mikroorganizmami vo vlhkom prostredí


Mechanické vlastnosti

Panely EKOSOUND  sú vhodné aj na plochy s mechanickým zaťažením.



Panely Ekosound vynikajú ekologickou nezávadnosťou. Ako jediný prvok v prevedení natural je bez akejkoľvek chemickej prísady.



1000g/m2 pri hrúbke 15mm ,2500g/m2 pri hrúbke do 50mm,



Panely je možné aplikovať na suchý zips alebo magnet, kedy sa dajú odnímať. Ľahko sa aplikujú lepením na stenu alebo sa vešaju na strop.



Upozornenie!   Pri aplikácii panelov Natural v bielej farbe sa musia používať rukavice, pretože povrch panelov je citlivý na znečistené ruky.  Z tohto dôvodu nedoporučujeme túto variantu používať na miesta s možnosťou dotyku rúk.  Doporučujeme variantu s textíliou na povrchu alebo farbenú variantu.  Čistenie mäkkým kartáčom a vysávačom.

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