Acoustic hanging units

From classic cassette ceilings, there is a transition to suspended akuelements in various shapes. Where there is not enough height, horizontally placed clouds or canopies in various shapes are used. With a higher ceiling, it is possible to use vertically laid panels - baffles, which are usually the most effective absorbers. In addition to these two groups, there is a group of design elements made of slats, which create endless possibilities of shapes and colors.They reduce the reverberations in the premises, which lowers the noise level and thus improves the stay in these premises.Choose from our products!
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Felt line acoustic slats

Clouds A2 ceiling panel

Ceilings Obifon

Grid - Dome

Baffle Foil

Grid - Circle

Grid - square

Ceiling acoustic Baffle A2


Acoustic PET canopies - Air Eko

Grid - Expression

Baffle Industry

Ceiling cassettes Grid

Clouds - Neo

Lamella - Edge

Ceiling canopies - Clouds B

Clouds - Art