Stropné panely - Hanging from the ceiling - Zavesené na ležato
Filcový PET panel Ekosound sa s výhodou používa ako stropný panel v rôznych prevedeniach. Od horizontálnych oblakov ,cez Baffle až po akustické mriežky GRID. Strop je to miesto,kde je vždy dostatok miesta na riešenie akustiky v miestnosti a práve variabilita prevedení panelov na strop je ich výhodou.

Clouds - Neo
Laying acoustic panels in rows with regular gaps requires a hanging system and not cables as in free laying, the advantage is their…

Ceiling canopies - Clouds B
Spatial suspended acoustic panel in the shape of rectangles and squares intended for horizontal suspension under the ceiling as horizontal…

Clouds - Art
In addition to regular shapes, it is also possible to design the ceiling with other cloud shapes. The advantage of this ART variant is the…